Newsletter Anno 4, n. 18 - 22 novembre 2006

Anno 4, n. 18 -  22 Novembre  2006 

A cura di Gabriele Sospiro 
Con la collaborazione di: 
Isabel Davila (ID) 
Gulsah Biraderler (GB) 
Radost  Peeva (RP) 
Paolo Sospiro (PS) 
Lena Alex (LA)



Immaginiamo che cosa state pensando: oddio questi parlano già di capodanno! Manca ancora un sacco di tempo. Vero!?! È vero. C'è ancora molto tempo. Noi intanto vi preannunciamo che puntualissimi anche per quest'anno organizzeremo il cenone multietnico. È un'occasione per trascorrere un capodanno differente e per provare sapori sconosciuti. Volete saperne di più?
Telefonateci al  071-2072585 oppure inviateci una mail a: segreteria at Vi aspettiamo!!

Il Centro di Documentazione e Ricerca per la Cittadinanza Attiva è aperto il
Martedì e Giovedì dalle 10 alle 13.00 e dalle 15.00 alle 18.00. Se avete
libri da proporre così che noi possiamo acquistarli fatecelo sapere! Se
state facendo una tesi di laurea o ricerche sull'immigrazione, sull'economia
politica, o su temi riguardanti il terzo settore, etc. presso il nostro
Centro potete ottenere informazioni ad hoc previa prenotazione telefonica.
Per contatti ed eventuali prenotazioni 071/2072585
The Center of Documentation and Research for Active Citizenship is opened
Tuesday and Thursday from 10 to 13 and from 15 to 18.00. If you have any
books to propose so that we can buy them please let us know. If you are
working on your bachelor thesis or you are carrying out a research on
migration, political economy, or issues inherent not profit, etc. in our
Center you will able to get some information ad hoc. Telephone reservation
is needed.
For contacts: +39/071/2072585

European islamophobia has replaced the anti-Semitism as the objective of the 
European extreme right according to Glyn Ford, British member of the 
European Parliament and author of the book on the neo-fascism in Europe. 
"Europe is in danger of converting their extreme right parties into the dominant current," 
said, adding: "islamophobia has become the prejudice of the day, but the extreme right 
threat is real and it is in all the European Union."

Great Britain
The minister of the Labor Party suddenly announced in a column of a newspaper on 
October 5, that he felt “discomfort” speaking with Muslim women who wear the veil 
that covers their face known as niqab, describing it as a barrier to the communitarian relations. 
Prime Minister Tony Blair added days later, that niqab is a "mark of separation."

Four Muslim porters of the airport Charles De Gaulle lost their jobs recently when a 
local government revoked their security approval. 
A police union affiliated to the MPF of De Villiers recently requested more arms 
to fight what he described as an "intifada" present on the suburbs of Paris with a 
considerable population of Muslim immigrants that exploded in disturbances a 
year ago after the death of two young people during a police persecution.

During many years, Islamophobia has been a common place in the French policy, 
and dominant parties of the right and the left have endorsed in 2004 the prohibition 
of hiyab inside public schools. The dominant right also counts on the anti-Muslim 
policy and the policy against the immigrants to maintain the control of the presidency, 
since the minister of the interior Nicholas Sarkozy combines his policy of public 
order in the suburbs of Paris with the new legislation that persecutes the undocumented immigrants.

The neon-Nazi National Democratic Party (NDP) achieved his greater success in 
history in the election of September at the Eastern State at the height of depression 
of Western Mecklenburgo-Pomerania, assuring the representation of the extreme
right in four German States.

Few weeks later, Ronald Pofalla, head of the Democratic Christian Union, the party 
of the chancellor Angela Merkel, wrote an article in the press affirming that "at 
the present time the problem of the violence with religious reasons is almost 
exclusively a problem of the Islam." Before, during this year, the eighth of the 
16 States of Germany voted in favor of the prohibition of hiyab inside public schools.

The Velaams Belang, from the extreme right, almost obtained the control of the 
government of the city of Amberes in the middle of October with a openly 
islamophobic platform, with a 33.5% of the votes, in comparison with a 35% 
obtained by a socialist coalition.

Volen Siderov, candidate of the extreme nationalistic party: Ataka (Attack), surpassed 
the other rightist parties obtaining a 22% of the votes in the first round of the 
presidential elections on October 22. With a platform that advocates the prohibition 
of the Turkish parties and persecution of the “roma” minority, known as gypsies, 
Siderov will participate in one second round of presidential elections against the former 
president, Georgi Parvanov, of the Socialist Party.

The ascending Nazi right and of extreme right is mobilizing after the Movement 
Against Illegal Immigration - and the policy of the organization recently obtained 
the approval of Russian president Vladimir Putin. 
After the massive deportations of Georgians subsequent to the scandal of Russian 
espionage in the old republic of the USSR, Putin made a speech in which it declared 
that the Russians "are terrified" by bands of "criminals" of the Muslim countries of the 
old Soviet republics in Central Asia, the Caucasus and of the great Muslim 
population of Russia.

Lee Sustar
La Isalamofobia Europea

La islamofobia ha reemplazado al antisemitismo como objetivo de la extrema 
derecha europea según Glyn Ford, miembro británico del Parlamento
Europeo y autor de un libro sobre el neofascismo en Europa. “Europa corre
peligro de que sus partidos de extrema derecha pasen a ser la corriente dominante,” 
dijo, agregando: “La islamofobia se ha convertido en el prejuicio del dÃa, pero la 
amenaza de la extrema derecha es real y se encuentra en toda la Unión Europea.”

Gran Bretaña   
El ministro del Partido Laborista anunció repentinamente en una columna en un 
periódico el 5 de octubre, que se sentÃa “incómodo” al hablar con mujeres musulmanas
que llevan el velo que cubre toda la cara conocido como el niqab, calificándolo de 
barrera a las relaciones comunitarias. 
El primer ministro Tony Blair se sumó unos dÃas más tarde, diciendo que el niqab es 
una “marca de separación.”

Cuatro maleteros musulmanes del aeropuerto Charles De Gaulle perdieron 
recientemente sus puestos de trabajo cuando un gobierno local revocó su 
aprobación de seguridad.
Un sindicato policial afiliado al MPF de De Villiers pidió recientemente más 
armas para combatir lo que calificó de una “intifada” actual en los suburbios 
de Paris con una considerable población de inmigrantes musulmanes, que 
estalló en disturbios hace un año después de la muerte de dos jóvenes durante 
una persecución policial.

La islamofobia ha sido durante años un lugar común en la polÃtica francesa, 
y partidos dominantes de la derecha y de la izquierda respaldaron en 2004 
la prohibición del hiyab en las escuelas públicas. La derecha dominante también 
cuenta con la polÃtica anti-musulmana y contra los inmigrantes para mantener 
el control de la presidencia, ya que el ministro del interior Nicholas Sarkozy combina 
su polÃtica de orden público en los suburbios de Paris con nueva legislación que 
persigue a los inmigrantes indocumentados.

El neo-nazi Partido Nacional Democrático (NDP) obtuvo su mayor éxito en la 
historia en la elección de septiembre en el Estado oriental en plena depresión, 
Mecklenburgo-Pomerania Occidental, asegurando la representación de la extrema 
derecha en cuatro Estados alemanes.

Unas pocas semanas después, Ronald Pofalla, jefe de la Unión Cristiano Demócrata, 
el partido de la canciller Angela Merkel, escribió un artÃculo en la prensa afirmando 
que “en la actualidad el problema de la violencia con motivos religiosos es casi 
exclusivamente un problema del Islam.” Antes, durante este año, el octavo de los 
16 Estados de Alemania votó por la prohibición del hiyab en las escuelas públicas.

El Velaams Belang, de extrema derecha, casi obtuvo el control del gobierno de la 
ciudad de Amberes a mediados de octubre con una plataforma abiertamente 
islamófoba, con un 33,5% de los votos, en comparación con un 35% logrado por 
una coalición socialista.

Volen Siderov, candidato del partido ultra nacionalista Ataka (Ataque), superó a los 
demás partidos derechistas del paÃs al obtener un 22% de los votos en la primera vuelta 
de las elecciones presidenciales del 22 de octubre. Con una plataforma que propugna la 
prohibición de los partidos turcos y la persecución de los roma, conocidos como gitanos, 
Siderov participará en una segunda vuelta contra el presidente saliente, Georgi Parvanov, 
del Partido Socialista.

La ascendente derecha nazi y de extrema derecha se moviliza tras el Movimiento 
Contra la Inmigración Ilegal – y la polÃtica de la organización recientemente obtuvo 
la aprobación del presidente ruso Vladimir Putin.
Después de las redadas y de deportaciones en masa de georgianos subsecuentes 
al escándalo de espionaje ruso en la antigua república de la URSS, Putin hizo un 
discurso en el que declaró que los rusos son “aterrorizados” por bandas de “criminales” 
de los paÃses musulmanes de las antiguas repúblicas soviéticas en Asia Central, 
el Cáucaso y de la gran población musulmana de la propia Rusia.

Lee Sustar
Within the electoral frame, Ecuador is the next Latin American country 
that will define the result of the presidential elections in this year. 
Considering the regional context, it is possible to recognize the similarities 
within the Latin American tendency towards the fortification of the left; 
this process that initiated with the great popular support of the former President 
of the Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, and the following democratic 
response of other Latin American countries like Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay 
and Brazil, who added more social and sovereign actions for their people.

Is necessary to observe the fortification of the left in Latin America from the 
point of view of the failure of the neo-liberalism; starting from the paradigm of 
the “free market” which has been put over the economies of the developing 
countries for more than thirty years.  This Neo-liberal model has left as a result 
a noticeable inequality as opposed to the rest of the world, reinforced still more 
due to the necessity to maintain the economic subordination and to justify the highest 
levels of corruption by the rules of the "free market" game.

Part of this failure is due to the deterioration of the American policy to the eyes
of the entire world, and the final result of the administration of the IMF, the BM 
and the OMC, which through the intervention on the economic policies has 
impoverished still more those countries that tried to join the rest of the world by 
following the routes of development. "Routes that have been determined 
by organisms, not by countries"

When the development of the economic and even the social policies are based 
on the national and international market, the result is the loss of sovereignty 
of the countries at the time of defining their ways to development.

The next elections will determine if Ecuador will continue to be blinkered by 
Neo-liberalism trough one of the most successful industrialists of the American Continent: 
the Lawyer Alvaro Noboa, who following faithfully to the model of the free market, 
has multiplied his fortune through the exploitation of the labor and human rights 
of more than one million and a half workers, thousands of them being under 18 years old. 
Or the Economist Rafael Correa, who promotes the fortification of the economic 
policy, and the sovereign handling of the factors of development, trough The Latin American 
regional integration.

The regularization of the economic processes based on the development of Latin America 
is growing through its governors and its inhabitants; today the new philosophy of Latin 
Americans and their centennial tendency to recover its sovereignty is clearer. This process 
that has been fortified since the beginning of the independence ideas is more appropriate 
to happen for a so young and multicultural continent, and it will only be definitive when 
the Latin Americans finally take the reins of their own destiny.  The moment for choosing is now.

Ecuador: Momento de Elejir
Dentro del marco electoral, Ecuador es el próximo paÃs latinoamericano que 
definirá el resultado de las elecciones presidenciales en este año.  Considerando 
el contexto regional, es posible reconocer la similitud de la tendencia latinoamericana 
hacia el fortalecimiento de la izquierda, este proceso que inició con el gran apoyo 
popular del actual presidente de la República de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, y 
la respuesta electoral de otros paÃses latinoamericanos como Argentina, Bolivia, 
Uruguay quienes demandan una acción más social y más soberana para sus pueblos.

Al fortalecimiento de la izquierda en Latinoamérica, hay que observarlo desde el punto 
de vista del fracaso del neoliberalismo, partiendo del paradigma del libre mercado en 
el que se ha sometido las economÃas de los paÃses en desarrollo durante más de 
treinta años.  Este modelo Neoliberal ha dejado como resultado una marcada desigualdad 
frente al resto del mundo, reforzada aún más debido al la necesidad de mantener 
la subordinación económica y los altÃsimos niveles de corrupción que se ven justificados 
dentro de las reglas del juego del “libre mercado” 

Parte de este fracaso se define con el deterioro de la polÃtica estadounidense frente a 
los ojos del mundo entero, y el resultado final de la administración del FMI, del BM y 

la OMC quienes a través de sus polÃticas económicas han empobrecido aún más a 
aquellos paÃses que pretendÃan unirse al resto del mundo siguiendo las vÃas del desarrollo 
“vÃas que han sido dictaminadas por organismos, no por paÃses”

Cuando todas las gestiones económicas, e inclusive sociales están desarrolladas en función 
del mercado nacional e internacional, se produce la perdida de la soberanÃa de los 
paÃses al momento de definir los lineamientos para desarrollar su devenir. 

Las próximas elecciones determinaran si el Ecuador continuará bajo la venda del 
neoliberalismo con uno de los empresarios más exitosos del Continente Americano, 
El Abg. Álvaro Noboa, quien siguiendo fielmente al modelo del libre mercado ha 
multiplicado su fortuna a través de la explotación de los derechos laborales y humanos 
de más de un millón y medio de trabajadores, miles de ellos menores de 18 años.  
O Rafael Correa, quien promueve el fortalecimiento de la polÃtica económica a través 
de un manejo soberano de los factores de desarrollo de nuestro paÃs y la integración 
regional latinoamericana. 

La regularización de los procesos económicos en función del desarrollo de Latinoamérica 
está creciendo a través de sus gobernantes y sus habitantes, es cada vez más clara la 
nueva filosofÃa del Latino y su tendencia centenaria de recuperar su soberanÃa.  
Este proceso que se ha fortalecido desde los inicios de las ideas de independencia es 
el devenir más apropiado para un continente tan joven y pluricultural, y solamente 
será definitivo cuando los latinoamericanos tomen finalmente las riendas de su propio 
destino, el momento de elegir es ahora.

After the EU Commission decided that Bulgaria and Romania will join the EU on 
1st January 2007, it was clear that this accession will be unique to any previous 
EU expansions.  The two countries, have followed EU mentoring, in order to achieve
and cover all the necessary fields of concern that  needed amendment. 
They will become members of the EU, but this would be a test for them. 
After they join they will continue their work on improving areas that the EU has focused 
on as “serious areas of concern”.

Not everything looks bright for the two countries. The rest of the EU has decided to 
close its borders to the new entrants, and provide stricter border control on migrant workers. 
The United Kingdom, was one of the few countries, together with Ireland, 

Spain and Portugal, who allowed free labour migration to the previous 10 states 
that joined the EU in 2004. However when Bulgaria and Romania become members, 
they have decided not to allow workers from the two countries.

They are fearing mass migration from Bulgaria and Romania. These fears are based on 
the experience that they had with migration with the last expansion, the EU made. Some 
of those states were faced with much higher figures of migrant workers, compared with 
their expectations. So following these facts that face the two countries, things are not getting 
better for them after joining. Further more, they will face stricter border controls than before 
and will be under stricter control from the rest of the EU members. So are they on probation 
or will they be equal partners?

EU, as an institution follows its own goals; to create a United Europe for all European people 
and continue expansion to the East in order to have its hands closer to the Balkan region, in 
order to sustain peace in the area and which is also the gate to Asia. However the EU 
members think otherwise. They think about their own security and economical situation. 
There is a clash. EU is favoured for wanting to accept more countries under its wings, 
but the “Old Countries of the EU” feel, as if they are under attack from the East, so they 
must close any kind of doors for the new countries joining the EU.

The West operates growing economies and they have seen economical growth in recent years 
due to migrant workers. However they still have decided to close their doors for Bulgarian 
and Romanian workers. The EU is moving forward for a closer union with all countries 
within Europe, but the EU Members are moving backwards by restricting the new arrivals. 
Thus it could be thought as if they act in opposition to EU’s goals, principles and values. 
The two countries have not yet joined, but they still have to prove to the rest of the EU, 
that they are not hungry and thirsty and they will not run for work as soon as 1st 
January 2007 comes. Joining the EU is a historical achievement for the two countries, 
it is not a way to run out of their homes and search for work abroad. It is a chance for them 
to improve their life within their own countries. This is the main point of entering the EU, 
it is not a gateway. Furthermore, they have agreed to be in the EU, because they believe 
that this way they can sustain a better economical and political situation, so that their 
people prefer to stay in their countries rather than be “foreign workers” in another country.

Thus the EU accession would offer them new future and better opportunities within their 
countries rather than searching for jobs abroad, where they have to take jobs that the 
locals don’t want. The rest of the EU must need to be more supportive, to work together 
with the EU, as they are also members of the EU and they have also been accession countries once.
There are high hopes that this accession is for the best. It is one achievement the two countries 
can be proud of, and is the first and biggest step towards to forget the division between 
East and West. We are all Europeans and we are all in the EU because we want to be 
stronger and have better security for the future and there is no place for scepticism.

Since 1999, five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor are imprisoned 
on the grounds that they have consciously affected nearly 400 Libyan children 
with the HIV virus. The trial is still going, after in May 2004 they were sentenced 
to death by the Libyan Supreme Court. However, as a result of an appeal by 
the “Benghazi Six”, their death sentences were quashed on 25 December 2005 
and a re-trial ordered. The new trial began in Tripoli on May 11, 2006 and has 
proceeded very slowly.
It was now decided that the final sentence will be heard on 19th of December, 
which will decide the destiny of the “Benghazi Six”.
This trial has attracted the attention of many world organisations, unions and 
pressure groups. As an EU accession country, Bulgaria has received the support 
of the EU Justice Court, who have sent many officials to try and push the trial faster 
for freedom of the Bulgarian nurses. However the trial has been going for more than 
7 years now and fears of its outcome are growing. Many people, relatives, 
nationals and officials are hoping that the Bulgarian nurses’ long misery will end soon. 
However there have been speculations of the way this trial has been handled. 
Many experts from all over the world have proved many times that the reason of 
the spreading of the virus has, in fact been the poor hygiene environment in the hospitals
where the children have been infected. However their expertise has been rejected 
from the Libyan Supreme Court and they have refused to hear their side many times. Why?
Although, Gadafi,  the Libyan Dictator, has concurred with the guilty verdict, he had 
proposed releasing the six medics if, in return, the Pan Am Flight 103 bomber 
Megrahi, serving a life sentence in a Scottish jail, were to be released and $5.7 
billion compensation were paid to Libya for the care of the HIV-infected patients. 

Bulgaria has refused, on the grounds that it would be admitting the guilt of the medics.

On August 18, 2005 Libya recommended that Bulgaria should negotiate on the amount 
of the payment. So are the Benghazi Six serving as a tool, with which Gadafi can 
black mail the West? Looking at this trial, this is one possibility. If it was proven that 
they are in fact really guilty as the Court testifies, why is the trial still going? Why are 
they moving this trial so slow? Yes, perhaps Gadafi would like to have some kind of 
“weapon” he can use, in order to be able to manipulate the higher institutions of the 
West in exchange for his cruel plan to free the responsible for the death of more than 
300 people, who lost their lives due to the accident with the Pan Am Flight 103 above 
the Scottish territory. He is ready to “sell the trial”, in the name of the children with HIV. 

They offered the freedom of the Bulgarian nurses in exchange for a sum of money, 
so in fact for them the question is not really about who is really guilty. It is a different 
situation. Libya is not looking for the responsible of the HIV contamination, but for 
someone to serve as a victim to a cruel manipulation.
Bulgaria will be a EU member state, these problems should be addressed more 
predominantly. Bulgaria has the EU support and it  is not alone in this battle. 
However there is no place for being diplomatic, there must be faster and strict measures 
against situations like this. Bulgaria has been fighting corruption for so many years
and Libya is using corruption as a method of resolving the trial. They ask for money 
so that this problem can be solved. The EU does not recognise corruption, the EU 
fights against it. This is also a question of power and unity against brutality of human beings, 
human rights and division between our traditions and culture and this of states where 
dictatorship still exists. Human rights are not recognised and people are still treated as 
a tool for political advantage over other states.
More Information on:
This 8 of November Cuba will present to the Assembly of the UN their 
project of resolution so that the U.S.A. ends the blockade
Since February 3rd of 1962 Cuba has been put under an economic 
embargo by the United States of North America. During 47 years this 
illegal blockade has caused 86 billion dollars in losses, without counting on 
the sabotage actions, or terrorist attacks organized and financed by the 
United States adding a total loss of 140 billion
Cuba has developed a great social work granting excellent conditions 
of education, health and security, promoting the growth of its inhabitants. 
Nevertheless this absurd blockade has prevented the scientific take off 
and the technological innovation, placing this island in a situation of economic 
disadvantage and justifying it to the entire world as a proof of power of 
the North American empire.
No longer we can tolerate the Neo-Liberal double speech that has blinded 
the Latin American countries for so long, this speech that for one side promotes 
the "unconditional” opening of markets, and legally facilitates the use and abuse
of our resources on behalf of Multinationals; and on the other hand hinders 
"illegally" the sovereignty of the countries at the time of deciding their own 
policies of International trade.
This country which is the one that designs the rules of “the game” along with the 
OMC or the IMF, conditions the Latin American population to a drastic situation 
of inequality, nevertheless, when it is to release Latin America from the yoke of 
poverty and marginalization, they create blockades, organized interventions over 
the democratic processes, and in a very near future they will build a wall that will 
prevent the entrance of the people that because of this model have been forced 
to leave their countries in search of their right to live with dignity.  If the word 
dignity still fits within this context.  
How many more blockades, how many more walls, or how many more armed 
interventions we must continue to allow under the name of “Free market” and under 
the idea of Neo-liberalism to understand that we do not have advantage in this 
game and sooner or later we will lose the total sovereignty of our countries, to beg 
for our rights behind the walls of the civilization.

El Bloqueo contra Cuba, y otras inconsistencias del Neoliberalismo 
El 8 de noviembre Cuba presentará a la Asamblea de la ONU su proyecto 
de resolución para que EEUU ponga fin al bloqueo
Desde el 3 de febrero de 1962 Cuba ha sido sometida a un embargo económico 
por parte de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica.  Durante 47 años este bloqueo 
ilegal ha ocasionado 86 mil millones de dólares en pérdidas, sin contar con los 
actos de sabotaje o atentados terroristas organizados y financiados por Estados 
Unidos sumando una pérdida total de 140 mil millones.
Cuba ha desarrollado una gran labor social otorgando excelentes condiciones de 
educación, salud y seguridad, promoviendo el crecimiento de sus habitantes.  
Sin embargo este bloqueo absurdo ha impedido el emprendimiento cientÃfico y la 
innovación tecnológica, ubicando a esta pequeña isla en una situación de desventaja 
económica y justificándolo ante el mundo entero como prueba del poderÃo 
del imperio norteamericano. 
Ya no podemos tolerar el doble discurso Neoliberal que ha cegado por tanto tiempo 
a los paÃses latinoamericanos, este discurso que por un lado promueve la apertura 
“incondicional” de los mercados, y facilita legalmente el uso y abuso de nuestros 
recursos por parte de las Multinacionales; y que por otra parte obstaculiza “ilegalmente” 
la soberanÃa de los paÃses al momento de decidir su polÃtica de comercio Internacional.
Este paÃs que diseña las reglas del juego junto con la OMC o el FMI, condicionan 
al pueblo latinoamericano a una drástica situación de desigualdad y desahucio, sin 
embargo, cuando se trata de liberar a Latinoamérica del yugo de la pobreza y la 
marginación, se crean bloqueos, intervenciones organizadas en los procesos democráticos, 
y en un futuro muy cercano la construcción de un muro que impida el ingreso de 
aquellos que gracias a este modelo se han visto obligados a salir de sus paÃses en busca 
de su derecho de vivir dignamente, si es que todavÃa cabe la palabra dignidad dentro 
de este contexto.  
Cuantos bloqueos, cuantos muros, o cuantos intervenciones militares debemos seguir 
permitiendo en nombre de la liberación del mercado y a costa de la idea del neoliberalismo 
para comprender que nosotros no tenemos ventaja en este juego y que tarde o temprano 
perderemos la soberanÃa total de nuestros paÃses, para mendigar nuestros 
derechos detrás de los muros de la civilización. 

La facoltà di Scienze Politiche dell’Università di Macerata organizza un 
corso di laurea in “Scienze sociali per la cooperazione allo sviluppo e la pace” 
ed una laurea specialistica in “Scienze per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo”. 
A completare l’offerta formativa un master in “Cooperazione e sviluppo 
nell’area del mediterraneo” e un dottorato in “Storia, politica e istituzioni 
dell’area euro-mediterranea nell’età contemporanea”. 
Tutti coloro i quali fossero interessati possono contattare i numeri 
0733 2582747 
0733 2582000 
0733 2582845 
800 22 40 71 
I’m Lena the new volunteer of the Circolo. I arrived last Wednesday and I want to stay 
here for a whole year.
I was born in Berlin in 1985 but in 1997 I moved to Wallmow, a small village close to the 
Polish border. This summer I made my A-level that’s why I have time now to make an 
EVS before goinig to the university to start studying sociology. After 13 years of school 
I decided to make the EVS because I think this is a nice possibility to get to know other 
people, to collect practical experiences and to enrich my Italian knowledge.
My passion for Italy was born during a holiday trip to the Lago Trasimeno some years ago. 
During this time I also started to learn Italian autodidactically.
I like Ancona because it is close to the sea and here there aren’t a lot of  tourists.

After 6 months experience, I am leaving Ancona. I started my evs project at Circolo Culturale
Africa at the end of last April and I was with Circolo for 6 months. This is not a big period 
considering hall life of a human being, but 6 months tought me many things, I lived these 
months full : working at Circolo ( experience on immigrant issues, youth projects ), living 
Ancona day and night life, meeting new friends, Italian vine and so on. I had a new life here
and now it is too strange to leave all these. I have different feelings now : I missed my country, 
my family and friends and at the same time I have many  close friends here. I feel one of my 
part will stay in Ancona. All experiences teach you many things and evs experience is an 
incredible part of my life. Living with new people and sharing a whole life with them. The most 
interesting part of my life in Ancona was having many friends and knowing different people 
from different cultures and countries. I had chance to know different people and cultures, and 
I hope I was successful to show my culture too. We had many political discussions at bar of 
port, sometimes we were getting crazy ☺ but I will miss them too. I will miss hearing discussions 
about Berlusconi, will miss warm blooded Italian friends. For me the most sympathic way to 
say someone “hello” is Italian way : smiling and shouting in a loud volume : “ciao, ciao bella, 
ciao bello” ☺. For me Italian was the language of art, but now it is language of friendship. 
At Circolo, I learned on immigrant issues, I worked on youth projects, due to my work at circolo,
I had new informations and my outside life in Italy I gained new values, I learned all about Italian 
culture. I am Mediterranian too, we have similarities but also differences. I learned that I should 
drink Espresso in the evening instead of Cappucino, now I know that pasta con pesto has 
amazing taste, I know the difference between an Italian from North and an Italian from Sicily and so on.
I believe that I did everything that I can do in Italy and lived all life here full. While turning back home,
I am happy to have close friends and I know we will meet very soon and always will be in contact. 
Now, it is the time of new experiences, I am sure our ways will cross somewhereelse. 
A presto! 

Gulsah Biraderler



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