Le visite del presidente Bush

Il tour italiano in Italia di Bush:

1 tappa: Sua Santità Benedetto XVI. Sua Santità dopo aver scagliato anatemi dall'aereo prima ancora di arrivare in Brasile e scomuniche appena poggiato il piede sulla terra di Lula, si farà baciare l'anello e chiederà a Bush maggiori sforsi per il processo di pace in Terra Santa.

2 tappa : Incontri con il presidente Napolitano, Prodi e, perchè no, Parisi.

Anche qui si parlerà di pace: pace per l'Iraq, pace per il Medio Oriente, pace per tutto il mondo. Poi si discuterà d'affari.

Bush ha qualche problemino con l'F-35, con lo scudo stellare e con le basi militari. Insomma il budget per il 2008 prevede alcuni tagli che l'Italia insieme ad altri provvederà a coprire con il denaro pubblico.


President Bush to Attend Group of Eight (G-8) Summit in Germany and Travel to the Czech Republic, Poland, Italy, Albania, and Bulgaria

President Bush to Attend Group of Eight (G-8) Summit in Germany and Travel to the Czech Republic, Poland, Italy, Albania, and Bulgaria

President and Mrs. Bush will travel to Heiligendamm, Germany to attend the G-8 Summit on June 6-8, 2007. The leaders of Canada, France, Italy, Japan, Russia, and the United Kingdom will participate in the Summit along with the German host, Chancellor Merkel. The European Union will also participate. The leaders will discuss continued cooperation on a broad range of international economic, security, and political issues.

Prior to the Summit, the President will visit Prague, Czech Republic on June 5 for meetings with President Klaus and Prime Minister Topolanek. While in Prague, the President will speak at an international conference, "Democracy and Security: Core Values and Sound Policies."

Following the G-8, the President will travel to Jurata, Poland on June 8 for a meeting with President Lech Kaczynski. On June 9, he will visit the Vatican for his first meeting with Pope Benedict XVI, and Rome, Italy for meetings with President Napolitano and Prime Minister Prodi. The President will then proceed to Tirana, Albania on June 10 to meet with President Moisiu and Prime Minister Berisha, before concluding his trip in Sofia, Bulgaria, where he will meet on June 11 with President Parvanov and Prime Minister Stanishev.