TIBET: True or false ? Test how the media informed you.

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TIBET: True or false ?
Test how the media informed you.


The goal of these media tests is neither to shock nor create a scandal. All
beliefs deserve respect. The goal is to allow each of us to determine for
ourselves a decisive question: is what I believe based on reliable
information? Or did someone try to manipulate public opinion on these big
What makes a good judge? Someone who listens attentively to the contending
parties, leaves her prejudices outside, makes up her own mind, and checks
the reliability of each document, of each witness. Wouldn't a media reader
or viewer find it helpful to follow this same method?

1. « Before the Chinese invasion, the Tibetan people lived in harmony with
their nobility in a social order inspired by religious teachings. »
O True O False O Don't know

2. « In 1951, China invaded Tibet. »
O True O False O Don't know

3. « As soon as socialist China took over the direction of Tibet again, in
1951, the Dalaï- Lama and the Tibetan nobility lost all their political
power. »
O True O False O Don't know

4. «The Lhasa fight ended whith the death of 83.000 Tibetan. »
O True O False O Don't know

5. « India initially refused to grant the Dalai Lama political asylum. »
O True O False O Don't know

6. « The Chinese occupation caused the violent death of 1.2 million Tibetans. »
O True O False O Don't know

7. « Religious practice was prohibited during the Cultural Revolution. »
O True O False O Don't know

8. « The Dalai Lama is sort of a pope of world Buddhism. »
O True O False O Don't know

9. « The Dalai Lama claims a quarter of China's territory. »
O True O False O Don't know

10. « Donations from charitable and humanitarian NGOs finance the Tibetan
movement. »
O True O False O Don't know

11. « The support of the United States for the Dalai Lama is justified by
strategic objectives. »
O True O False O Don't know

12. « The Dalai Lama publicly defended the former fascist dictator of Chile
Augusto Pinochet. »
O True O False O Don't know

13. « Reporters Without Borders gives disinteresed support to the Dalai Lama. »
O True O False O Don't know

14. « China is committing cultural genocide in Tibet. »
O True O False O Don't know

15. « The confrontations of March 14, 2008 in Lhasa occurred because the
police force and the Chinese army violently repressed a peaceful
demonstration. »
O True O False O Don't know

You will found all the answers in :
: true or false ?
Here you will find the same text in French :
: Vrai ou faux ?
Here you will find the same text in Spanish :
¿Verdadero o falso?