Israele é uno stato illegittimo

...leggi il comunicato della rete internazionale ebraica di solidarietà
...mentre in Italia c'é chi continua ad essere più realista del re ...
La International Jewish Solidarity Network rifiuta di riconoscere la legittimità dello stato sionista ed afferma che non ci sarà pace nella regione mediorientale e nel mondo finché esisterà lo stato di Israele, che é illeggitimo, razzista, espansionista.
L'abolizione di Israele é l'unica via per perseguire la giustizia e la pace.
Mariella Megna
Hello from the International Jewish Solidarity Network (IJSN),
May 2008 is the 60th anniversary of the Nakba, the catastrophe m... communities and homes. Since then, Palestinians have lived under occupation, as refugees, and as second class citizens on their own land; Israel's assault against indigenous Palestinian communities continues with unremitting brutality.
IJSN would like to invite you to sign our Statement on Gaza and of Solidarity with 60 Years of Palestinian Resistance to Israeli Colonialism, Racism and Zionism.  Please go to to sign the petition.
By acknowledging the connection between the Nakba and the current suffocation of Gaza, we insist that the root causes of the ‘conflict’ be addre ssed. After signing the petition you will have the opportunity to donate direct aid to Gaza, financially support Palestinian organizing in the United States, and/or make a financial contribution to building this international network of Jews ( 
Signing a petition and donating money are two ways to support the Palestine solidarity movement.  Another way is to take action. 
Over the past two years, IJSN has been laying the groundwork for an international network of Jews who are committed to struggling against Zionism and its manifestation in the State of Israel. It is clear that – as with any other anti-imperialist struggle or struggle for social justice – working locally or even nationally is not enough. The challenges we face are international, and the roles that we can play in our local and national locations are limited unless we commit to finding the ways to work together across regions.
Specifically, as anti-Zionist Jews, we have a responsibility to build an international voice with the capacity to challenge the international nature of Zionism and its claim to speak on behalf of Jews worldwide. Toward this end, we hope the International Jewish Solidarity Network (IJSN) will be relevant to, a resource for, and in mutually supportive relationships with new and existing local, regional and international anti-Zionist efforts that share the Network’s politics and goals.
If you are interested in learning more about what we are about, what we have been up to, and where we are going, we encourage you to check out our recently updated website and look out for our forthcoming invitation to participate in broadening the network’s activities on the ground.
You can sign up to be including the planning of the 10-days of Action and to be updated on IJSN at:
We look forward to building with you!
The International Jewish Solidarity Network


"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the
continent, a part of the main....Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell
tolls; it tolls for thee."
John Donne